Framing Contractors

Framing contractor insurance California

With the housing market booming and commercial businesses expanding the need for experienced framers is increasing. Insurance requirement for Framing Contractors can include a wide variety of insurance coverages, bundled to fit your specific requirements. Depending on the type of work you’re doing and whether or not you’re working for someone else, can make difference on the type of insurance an insurance agency may offer you.  Regardless of the type of work, or the person you’re working for, our agency offers all of the insurance needed to help cover your framing contractor business.

Insurance Options:

Commercial General Liability Insurance: General Liability Insurance is also known as commercial liability insurance and covers general liability of the business. It is a broad coverage. It is a smart move to have a general liability insurance policy in place.

Commercial Auto Insurance: Just like your personal autos, your commercial autos need to be protected as well. If you use your vehicle for business, even occasionally, be sure to include this.

Umbrella Insurance for Commercial Businesses: A business umbrella policy can help cover a catastrophic loss and can save a business from huge financial distress.

Workers Comp Insurance: Workers compensation coverage pays for medical care and physical therapy for employees that are injured as a result of working for your business.

Whatever framing insurance you need, trust our office to find you the best rates and coverage available.